Core Contracts

List of Core Contracts


Escrows capital from liquidity providers, governance then allocates this to lockers.

Stores global values utilized by all core contracts.

Implements governance modules from OpenZeppelin for governance.

Conducts the Initial Tranche Offering ("ITO").

An abstract base contract, inherited by all lockers.

A mathematics contract, which handles accounting features in tandem with ZivoeYDL.

A multi-rewards staking contract for $zJTT/$zSTT/$ZVE.

A multi-rewards staking contract for internal $ZVE vesting schedules.

$ZVE, the native protocol token, used for governance and staking.

Handles ongoing deposits to the DAO in exchange for $zJTT/$zSTT.

Utilized to launch two tranche tokens (senior and junior, $zSTT/$zJTT).

Handles yield distribution accounting for the Zivoe protocol.

Last updated